These 12 Ridiculous Laws Are Still Technically Enforceable in the U.S.

1. In Vermont, Women Need Permission to Get Fake Teeth


Vermont has a law that technically requires women to obtain written permission from their husbands before getting dentures, according to HuffPost. This outdated rule reflects a time when women had far fewer rights and needed their husband’s approval for many things. While modern dentists obviously don’t enforce this, the law has never been officially repealed. That means, legally speaking, it’s still in effect.

Of course, Vermont women today don’t actually need their spouse’s sign-off for dental work. But the fact that this law hasn’t been removed is a strange reminder of how laws can outlive the era that created them. If anything, it highlights just how much legal systems can lag behind societal progress. Thankfully, no one seems to be checking marriage certificates before fitting someone for dentures.

2. In Oklahoma, It’s Illegal to Eavesdrop


Oklahoma law specifically makes it illegal to “loiter” around someone with the intent to eavesdrop on their conversation, according to Chad Previch from The Oklahoman. While most states have laws against wiretapping or recording without consent, Oklahoma takes it a step further. Even if you’re just standing nearby and happen to overhear something private, you could be breaking the law. It’s an oddly aggressive stance against nosy neighbors, but it remains enforceable.

This law raises some questions—what if you’re just in a crowded place and accidentally hear something? Would libraries, coffee shops, or public transportation technically turn innocent bystanders into criminals? While no one seems to be getting arrested for unintentional eavesdropping, the law still exists. So next time you hear something juicy in Oklahoma, you might want to walk away.

3. In Minnesota, Dirty Tires Are Illegal


Minnesota law states that it’s illegal to drive a vehicle with “dirty tires,” which is as vague as it is impractical. The law was likely intended to prevent mud and debris from being dragged onto public roads, but it’s impossible to fully enforce, according to MaKayla Hart from Star Tribune. After all, what exactly counts as “dirty”? If you’ve driven in winter slush or through a puddle, are you technically breaking the law?

This rule might make sense for construction vehicles or farm equipment tracking large amounts of dirt onto highways. But for everyday drivers, it seems like a legal relic that has survived far beyond its usefulness. Unless law enforcement has a secret vendetta against road grime, it’s unlikely anyone is actually getting pulled over for this. Still, if you’re driving through Minnesota, maybe give your tires a quick rinse—just in case.

4. In Arizona, You Can’t Let Your Donkey Sleep in a Bathtub


This law was created in the 1920s after a flood in Kingman, Arizona, caused a rancher’s donkey to be swept away—while it was sleeping in an old bathtub. Rescuing the poor animal was such a hassle that lawmakers decided to prevent future incidents by making it illegal. While this might have made sense a century ago, the odds of a modern-day bathtub-sleeping donkey causing chaos seem pretty low.

Yet, the law remains on the books, meaning any donkey owners in Arizona should probably provide more traditional sleeping arrangements, according to Robert E. Wisniewski from Enjuris. This rule might not affect most people, but it’s a reminder that laws are often created in response to oddly specific events. If nothing else, it’s a fun fact to bring up at a party. Just maybe don’t test it out unless you want a very strange legal battle on your hands.

5. In Wyoming, You Must Have a Permit to Take Pictures of Wildlife


Taking photos of Wyoming’s stunning wildlife seems harmless, but it’s actually regulated by law, according to Bill Schwamle from 95.5 My Country. To photograph wildlife for commercial purposes, you need a special permit from the state. The law was originally created to protect both the animals and the environment, but it doesn’t clearly define what counts as “commercial.” If you take a picture of a moose and post it on Instagram with a sponsored ad, are you technically breaking the law?

This rule makes Wyoming one of the only states with such a restriction on nature photography. While it’s unlikely that park rangers are hunting down casual photographers, professional photographers have to tread carefully. If you’re planning a photo shoot in the great outdoors, make sure you check the fine print. Otherwise, your nature shots might come with an unexpected legal headache.

6. In North Carolina, Bingo Games Can’t Last More Than Five Hours

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If you’re planning a marathon bingo session in North Carolina, you might want to set a timer. The state has a law that limits bingo games to a maximum of five hours, likely as a way to regulate gambling. The rule was probably meant to prevent excessive betting at bingo halls, but it still applies to charity events and casual games. If your bingo night goes past the time limit, you could technically be breaking the law.

This law raises a few questions—does the clock reset if you take a snack break? What if you’re just playing for fun with no money involved? While it’s doubtful that law enforcement is monitoring senior centers for bingo violations, the rule remains on the books. So if you’re in North Carolina and playing bingo, maybe keep an eye on the time—just in case.

7. In California, It’s Illegal to Whistle for a Lost Canary Before 7 AM


California has its fair share of unusual laws, but this one stands out for being oddly specific. In the city of Berkeley, it’s illegal to whistle for your lost canary before 7 AM. The law likely exists to prevent early-morning noise disturbances, but it makes you wonder—was there really an epidemic of pre-dawn canary whistle hunts? While no one seems to be enforcing this rule, it’s still technically on the books.

Of course, if your pet bird escapes, you probably have bigger concerns than breaking a minor noise ordinance. Still, the idea that this was once a significant enough issue to require a law is pretty amusing. It also raises a bigger question: are there legal time slots for whistling at other birds? Either way, if you’re in Berkeley and need to retrieve a lost canary, try waiting until after breakfast.

8. In South Dakota, You Can’t Sleep in a Cheese Factory


If you ever find yourself drowsy in a South Dakota cheese factory, you’ll need to find somewhere else to nap. A state law prohibits people from sleeping inside cheese factories, though it’s unclear what specific incident led to this rule. It might have been a safety precaution—after all, dairy production involves heavy machinery and potential hazards. Or maybe, at some point in history, too many tired workers were dozing off in the cheddar room.

Whatever the reason, the law remains technically enforceable today. While it probably doesn’t affect the average person, it’s a funny reminder that even the most niche situations can become law. So if you’re ever in South Dakota and feeling sleepy, steer clear of cheese factories. Otherwise, you might wake up to a very confusing legal problem.

9. In Kentucky, You Must Shower at Least Once a Year


Kentucky takes personal hygiene very seriously—at least once a year, anyway. A state law requires that people must bathe at least annually, which seems like an extremely low bar for cleanliness. The origins of this law are murky, but it was likely created during a time when public health concerns were more pressing. While it’s doubtful that anyone is counting the days between showers, the rule remains on the books.

Of course, in modern times, most people would never go an entire year without bathing. But the fact that this law exists at all raises a lot of questions—who was skipping showers for years at a time to make this necessary? And more importantly, who’s in charge of enforcing it? Luckily, this is one law most people have no trouble following.

10. In Indiana, It’s Illegal to Catch Fish with Your Bare Hands


Fishing is a popular pastime in Indiana, but if you’re planning to ditch the rod and go full survival mode, think again. The state has a law that makes it illegal to catch fish using only your hands. This is likely meant to prevent a practice known as “noodling,” where people grab catfish by reaching into underwater holes. While noodling is legal in some states, Indiana has kept the ban in place for decades.

The law probably exists for both conservation and safety reasons—catfish can bite, and sticking your hand into an unknown hole isn’t exactly risk-free. Still, it’s funny to think that something as basic as catching a fish with your hands is technically a crime. If you’re in Indiana and want to go fishing, better stick to a pole and bait. Otherwise, you might end up with more than just a fish on the line.

11. In Maine, You Can’t Advertise on Tombstones

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Maine has a law that bans using tombstones for advertising, which suggests that someone must have tried this at some point. The rule likely exists to prevent graveyards from becoming cluttered with commercial messages. After all, no one wants to visit a cemetery and see an ad for the local diner or a car dealership carved into a headstone. Still, the fact that this law even had to be written is a little concerning.

It does make you wonder, though—what kind of ad would even make sense on a tombstone? Maybe a funeral home advertising its own services? While it’s hard to imagine this being a widespread issue, the law remains technically enforceable. So if you ever get the idea to turn a gravestone into a billboard, don’t try it in Maine.

12. In Texas, You Can’t Sell a Human Eye


Most people probably assume that selling body parts is illegal everywhere, but Texas law specifically bans the sale of human eyes. The law also includes kidneys, livers, hearts, lungs, and other organs—but for some reason, eyes get a special mention. The rule makes sense from an ethical and medical standpoint, as illegal organ sales can be a serious issue. But the wording of the law makes it sound like eyeballs were an especially hot commodity.

Of course, organ transplants are tightly regulated in the U.S., so it’s not like there’s a legal market for selling human body parts anyway. Still, the specificity of this law makes it one of the stranger ones on the books. If you ever find yourself in Texas with an extra eyeball, don’t get any ideas. Some things just aren’t meant to be sold—at least, not legally.

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