14 Once-Booming American Cities That Are Now Empty

1. Flint, Michigan (Specific Areas)


Flint’s population has dropped significantly since its peak in the 1960s, and certain areas of the city now feel empty due to the loss of residents and the aftermath of the water crisis. While Flint as a whole is not empty, large parts of the city, especially in neighborhoods farther from downtown, are sparsely populated and in a state of neglect. Entire blocks of abandoned homes and vacant lots are common sights, and businesses that once catered to the manufacturing workers who dominated the city are now shuttered, according to The New Republic.

The decline began in earnest after the auto industry left Flint, but the water crisis in 2014 accelerated the exodus of residents. As many people fled to other cities in search of safer living conditions, Flint’s neighborhoods fell into disrepair, and vacant properties became a hallmark of the city. Today, certain parts of Flint are characterized by large empty areas, a sense of abandonment, and a decaying infrastructure that make it seem eerily devoid of life.

2. Wellsburg, West Virginia


Wellsburg, a small town along the Ohio River, was once a bustling community thanks to its position in the coal industry. The town reached its peak in the early 20th century, when the coal mines fueled the local economy and attracted workers from all over. However, as the coal industry declined and jobs became scarce, Wellsburg began to lose its population. By the 2010s, the population had dropped to just over 2,800 people, down from more than 6,000 in the mid-1900s.

In Wellsburg, much of the town’s former vibrancy has vanished, according to World Population Review. While some areas remain intact, the main streets are lined with abandoned homes, empty storefronts, and empty lots where businesses once thrived. The sense of emptiness in Wellsburg is stark, especially in the residential neighborhoods, where entire blocks stand empty. Though there are some efforts to revitalize parts of the town, the lack of industry and new economic opportunities leaves large sections of Wellsburg feeling desolate. The vacant properties and boarded-up houses have created a haunting sense of abandonment, as the town continues to struggle with depopulation.

3. Homestead, Pennsylvania


Homestead, a former steel town in the Pittsburgh metro area, reached its peak population in the early 20th century when it was home to over 30,000 people. The city’s economy revolved around the Homestead Steel Works, which was one of the largest steel mills in the U.S. However, as the steel industry collapsed in the latter half of the 20th century, the town’s population began to dwindle, and by 2020, fewer than 20,000 people remained.

Today, many parts of Homestead are vacant, especially around the old mill sites, according to The Washington Post. There are abandoned homes, empty lots, and vacant storefronts where thriving businesses once stood. The city has struggled to attract new industries to replace the lost steel jobs, leaving large areas feeling empty and neglected. Although the waterfront has seen some redevelopment, many neighborhoods still remain largely untouched and hollowed out, contributing to the ghost town feel that permeates the area.

4. Detroit, Michigan (Particular Neighborhoods)


While Detroit as a whole isn’t empty, there are certain neighborhoods in the city that are eerily devoid of life. Once the epicenter of the automotive industry, Detroit has suffered from the decline of its manufacturing base, leading to a population drop of over 60% since the 1950s. The city has vast areas, particularly in the outlying districts, where homes have been abandoned, streets are vacant, and nature is slowly reclaiming properties, according to TIME Magazine.

Neighborhoods such as the East Side and parts of the West Side have been particularly affected. There are entire blocks where the houses are boarded up, and the only signs of life come from the occasional street dog or urban explorers. While revitalization is underway in certain parts of downtown and Midtown, much of Detroit remains empty and desolate, struggling with the weight of decades of economic and social decline.

5. Gary, Indiana


Gary, Indiana, once a thriving steel town, now stands as a prime example of American industrial decline. At its peak, Gary was home to over 180,000 residents, largely due to the steel industry’s dominance. However, as steel mills closed in the late 20th century, jobs vanished, and with them, the city’s population. Today, Gary has fewer than 70,000 residents, and large swaths of the city are essentially abandoned, according to The Guardian.

Sections of Gary, especially in the southern parts, have vacant homes and shuttered businesses. Entire blocks lie empty, and much of the city’s infrastructure is in disrepair. The city has made some efforts to revitalize the area, but the high vacancy rate and lack of investment in many neighborhoods make it feel eerily empty. The sound of industry that once defined the city is now replaced by silence in many areas, giving Gary a “ghost town” vibe that’s felt throughout its abandoned industrial sites and empty homes.

6. Prichard, Alabama

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Prichard, a small city near Mobile, Alabama, has been in a state of decline for decades. Once a vibrant community, Prichard’s population began shrinking in the 1970s and 1980s, primarily due to the closure of manufacturing plants and a subsequent rise in unemployment. The city’s population has dropped from 40,000 in the 1970s to under 20,000 today, and much of Prichard is now marked by vacant homes and empty storefronts.

In many areas, Prichard feels empty and forgotten. Abandoned homes line the streets, and commercial areas that once thrived are now deserted. The city’s economy has never fully recovered from its industrial collapse, and as a result, large parts of Prichard continue to suffer from vacancy and urban decay. Despite efforts to revive the community, many areas still resemble ghost towns, with few people living or working in the areas once filled with life.

7. Cairo, Illinois


Cairo, located at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, was once a bustling transportation hub. The city’s population peaked at over 15,000 in the 1920s, and it was an important center for river trade. However, as transportation methods changed and the city’s industrial base eroded, Cairo’s population began to dwindle. By 2020, the population had dropped to under 2,000.

Cairo’s vacant homes and abandoned businesses have become a defining feature of the city. Many areas are plagued by dilapidated buildings and empty lots. The city has struggled for decades with high unemployment, poverty, and a lack of investment, and the result has been large swaths of emptiness in what was once a thriving town. Despite occasional revitalization efforts, much of Cairo is now marked by a hollow feeling, with empty streets and vacant homes that give it a ghost town-like appearance.

8. St. Louis, Missouri (Certain Neighborhoods)


St. Louis, once a bustling industrial city, has seen a significant decline in its population since the mid-20th century, with many neighborhoods left in a state of abandonment. While downtown St. Louis and some other areas are experiencing growth, many parts of the city, especially in the north and south, feel empty due to high vacancy rates. The population has dropped from over 850,000 in 1950 to just under 300,000 in 2020, and much of this depopulation has been concentrated in the inner city.

The city’s vacant housing stock is staggering, with entire neighborhoods having been abandoned by residents in search of better opportunities in the suburbs. As a result, parts of St. Louis resemble deserted areas, with boarded-up homes and empty lots standing in stark contrast to the city’s more vibrant neighborhoods. Though the city is working on revitalization efforts, the vast number of empty buildings remains a reminder of St. Louis’s struggle with industrial decline and suburbanization.

9. White Pine, Tennessee

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White Pine, Tennessee, is a small town that once thrived on the backs of its local industry. Located near the Great Smoky Mountains, it saw a steady population increase as it attracted workers for its iron and paper mills. However, as those industries declined and jobs left the area, the population dropped significantly. By the 2000s, White Pine had become a shell of its former self.

The town is characterized by large vacant spaces, empty storefronts, and a rapidly shrinking population. Many buildings that once housed local businesses are now abandoned, and the town’s economic prospects remain bleak. Despite occasional efforts to revive the community, including small-town tourism and local farming, the town feels largely empty, with few residents and limited activity. The depopulation and vacancy in White Pine are reflective of the broader struggles faced by many small, once-thriving industrial towns in America.

10. Centralia, Pennsylvania


Centralia is a ghost town in the most literal sense of the term. Located in the coal region of Pennsylvania, Centralia was once home to about 1,000 people. However, in 1962, an underground coal mine fire started beneath the town, and it has been burning ever since. The fire, which continues to this day, caused dangerous levels of carbon monoxide and other gases to leak into the air, making the town uninhabitable.

Over the years, the fire forced the government to buy up property and eventually relocate nearly all of the residents. Today, Centralia is mostly abandoned, with only a handful of holdouts remaining. The town’s empty streets, abandoned homes, and even the interstate that runs through the area now have a post-apocalyptic feel. What was once a small but thriving town is now a stark reminder of the consequences of environmental disaster, leaving behind an almost “empty” landscape that few people dare to visit.

11. Picher, Oklahoma


Picher, Oklahoma, is another city that has been rendered nearly empty by environmental disaster. Once a prosperous mining town during the early 20th century, Picher became a hotspot for lead and zinc mining. The town reached its peak population of around 14,000 people in the 1920s. However, as the mining industry collapsed and environmental damage from mining operations became apparent, the town began to empty out. The federal government declared much of the town uninhabitable in the 1980s due to high levels of lead contamination in the soil and water.

By 2009, the population had dwindled to just a few hundred people. Today, Picher is a ghost town, with many of its buildings abandoned or destroyed. The town’s toxic legacy and the government’s buyout program forced most residents to leave, and many of the empty homes have been left to decay. What was once a thriving community is now mostly abandoned, with only a handful of people living in the area. The remnants of Picher, including empty homes and collapsed buildings, serve as a haunting reminder of the environmental and economic toll that industrial activities can have on small towns.

12. Wilmington, Delaware


Wilmington, Delaware, once a thriving industrial city and a significant player in the DuPont chemical empire, has seen its population and vibrancy dwindle over the years. Once home to around 100,000 residents, the city’s population has decreased significantly due to the decline of its industrial base and the erosion of manufacturing jobs. Many of the large industries that supported the city have either moved away or shut down entirely, leaving behind vast stretches of empty properties and vacant spaces.

In Wilmington, parts of the city feel nearly deserted, especially in the northern and eastern neighborhoods. These areas are marked by abandoned homes, overgrown lots, and a lack of investment that has led to urban decay. While the downtown area has seen some investment and growth, other parts of Wilmington still struggle with high poverty rates and low employment opportunities, contributing to a lingering sense of emptiness. As a result, Wilmington remains a city with significant areas that are underpopulated, neglected, and struggling to regain its former vibrancy.

13. Johnson City, Tennessee


Johnson City, a small city in the Appalachian region, once experienced a period of rapid growth due to the railroad and tobacco industries that brought jobs and commerce to the area. However, as these industries declined in the mid-20th century, the population began to fall, and by the early 2000s, the city’s economy struggled to attract new businesses. Once home to over 50,000 residents, the population had dropped to around 65% of that by the 2020 census.

Though parts of Johnson City have seen some revitalization efforts, especially with new medical facilities and universities bringing in people, there are still large sections of the town that have experienced severe depopulation. Many of these areas feature empty storefronts, vacant homes, and declining neighborhoods. While the downtown area has some life, the farther-reaching residential and industrial areas often feel empty, with very little happening in those parts of the city. The vacancy rate remains high, contributing to the sense of abandonment in some of Johnson City’s once-thriving neighborhoods.

14. Bridgeport, Connecticut


Bridgeport, once a major industrial hub and an important port city, has faced a long history of economic decline, particularly after the manufacturing sector collapsed in the latter half of the 20th century. Bridgeport’s population peaked at over 150,000 in the mid-20th century, but by the 2020 census, it had fallen to just over 148,000. Though the city remains the largest in Connecticut, much of Bridgeport is marked by urban blight and depopulation in key areas.

The areas most affected are the neighborhoods outside the city’s downtown, which remain underdeveloped and abandoned. Streets that were once lined with factories, small businesses, and residential homes are now dotted with vacant properties, empty storefronts, and buildings in disrepair. The city’s struggle with economic stagnation has left large parts of Bridgeport feeling like they are stuck in time, with little hope of revitalization in the near future. While the city has made some strides with redevelopment efforts, the sheer scale of vacancy in these neighborhoods contributes to the feeling of emptiness that defines much of the city’s character today.

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