1. The Obsession with Toilet Paper

In most of Europe, toilet paper is just a simple necessity, but in the U.S., it seems to be an art form. American stores offer a dizzying variety of toilet paper—quilted, ultra-soft, extra-thick, scented, with aloe, and the list goes on. Europeans, used to one or two basic choices, often find this overwhelming and frankly unnecessary. To them, the sheer selection and premium nature of American toilet paper feels like overkill, and according to Sharon Terlep from The Wall Street Journal, it might be.
To make matters more confusing, many European countries prefer thinner, less plush toilet paper, which they see as more environmentally friendly and practical. The idea that Americans prioritize comfort in such an intimate setting might seem a bit excessive. It’s almost as if Americans treat bathroom trips as a spa experience, and Europeans just don’t get why. If you’re an American, you’re probably used to having your pick of the softest rolls, but for many Europeans, the obsession just seems excessive.
2. The Strange “Flush” Button System

One of the most confusing things for Europeans in American bathrooms is the variety of flush buttons and levers. In Europe, most toilets have a simple flush system that’s either a lever or a button, usually located on the tank. In contrast, Americans often have flush buttons in multiple places, on the wall, or on the tank lid itself, and sometimes even with multiple options for different levels of flushing. Europeans can’t fathom why there needs to be so much variety or why some bathrooms have buttons that look like they belong on a spaceship.
The “dual flush” system in many American bathrooms is particularly perplexing for Europeans. While the idea of choosing between a smaller or larger flush based on the situation may seem practical, Europeans often wonder why the system can’t just be simpler. The sheer number of buttons and levers feels like over-engineering to them, and it’s not uncommon for Europeans to be left guessing which one to press. So while Americans might take these systems for granted, they can seem like an unnecessary maze to someone unfamiliar with the setup.
3. The Presence of Public Restrooms Everywhere

In many parts of Europe, public restrooms are much harder to come by, and when they are available, they’re usually behind a paywall. In contrast, Americans can seemingly find bathrooms everywhere—gas stations, malls, and fast-food restaurants typically have open and free restrooms, according to Bradley Corp.’s article in PR Newswire. Europeans, used to paying or hunting for public bathrooms, are often surprised by how freely available they are in the U.S. It’s not just the accessibility but the frequency that baffles them.
Moreover, many American restrooms come with an abundance of free amenities that Europeans find extravagant. Free soap, paper towels, and air fresheners are common in American bathrooms, which can make Europeans feel like they’re walking into a mini-luxury hotel when they use one. For Europeans, the notion that public bathrooms are clean, safe, and free of charge can be hard to wrap their heads around. After all, for them, finding a good public restroom is often a rare treat, not a given.
4. The Enormous Size of American Toilets

American toilets are famously big, often taking up a lot of space in the bathroom. In many European countries, toilets are smaller, more compact, and designed to save space in smaller bathrooms. The sheer size of American toilets, with their broad seats and wide bases, can be jarring to Europeans who are used to more practical and minimal designs. To them, American toilets often seem unnecessarily large and take up a disproportionate amount of room.
What’s even more confusing is the height of American toilets. While European toilets are generally lower to the ground, American toilets are typically raised, which can feel a bit awkward if you’re not accustomed to it. For Europeans, this extra height can make them feel like they’re perched on a throne. The design is a curious blend of comfort and space-inefficiency, which doesn’t always resonate with Europeans who prefer practicality in their bathroom setups.
5. The Lack of a Bidet

In Europe, particularly in Southern countries like Italy, Spain, and France, the bidet is a common feature in most bathrooms. It’s seen as a necessary part of daily hygiene, but in the U.S., it’s virtually nonexistent, according to Maria Teresa Hart from The Atlantic. Europeans can’t fathom why Americans don’t have bidets, often assuming that Americans don’t care about personal hygiene. To them, it’s odd that a country so focused on cleanliness wouldn’t make room for this convenient, refreshing feature.
American bathrooms, of course, are typically equipped with toilet paper and some standard hygiene products, but Europeans see the bidet as a much more effective way to maintain cleanliness. Europeans visiting the U.S. might even wonder why bathrooms in the States feel “incomplete” without this feature. While Americans might not miss the bidet, Europeans think it’s a luxury they could certainly benefit from. The lack of bidets in American homes stands out to Europeans as a real oversight when it comes to bathroom innovation.
6. The Overuse of Air Fresheners

Americans seem to have a strong love for air fresheners in their bathrooms, according to Amudalat Ajasa from The Washington Post. Whether it’s plug-in air fresheners, sprays, or automatic mist systems, American bathrooms often have a strong scent to them. Europeans, on the other hand, generally prefer a more neutral or natural bathroom experience, with minimal use of synthetic fragrances. To them, the heavy use of air fresheners in American bathrooms feels unnatural and sometimes overpowering.
This practice seems to go beyond just cleaning and deodorizing; Americans often see air fresheners as part of the bathroom ambiance. Europeans are left wondering why it’s necessary to mask smells rather than simply address the source. In European bathrooms, cleanliness often speaks for itself, and the use of strong air fresheners can be seen as a way of covering up issues rather than solving them. Europeans might even find the smells of American bathrooms a bit off-putting at first.
7. The Size of American Showers

When Europeans visit American bathrooms, they’re often stunned by how large American showers are. European showers tend to be much smaller and more functional, with efficient use of space being a priority. In contrast, American showers often resemble small walk-in rooms, complete with seating, shelves, and sometimes even multiple showerheads. For Europeans, this size is hard to comprehend—why do Americans need so much space just to shower?
Additionally, the idea of a “shower stall” is foreign to many Europeans, who are accustomed to showers being integrated into bathtubs. In places like Germany and Scandinavia, efficiency is key, and space is a premium. The sheer luxury of having an expansive shower area in American bathrooms feels excessive to Europeans who are used to making the most out of smaller spaces. The American preference for large, comfortable showers is seen as indulgent, and Europeans might wonder how anyone can enjoy such a vast shower when they’re accustomed to a no-frills experience.
8. The “Do Not Flush” Warning

In some American bathrooms, you might notice a sign that says, “Please do not flush toilet paper.” This is often found in older buildings or areas with plumbing issues, particularly in more rural locations. Europeans, who are used to flushing toilet paper without a second thought, are perplexed by the warning. The idea of not flushing toilet paper seems like a strange quirk that doesn’t make much sense, given how integral flushing is to the European bathroom experience.
What adds to the confusion is that this rule often applies even in well-developed areas in the U.S., especially in older cities with outdated plumbing systems. In contrast, in European countries like Italy or Spain, this is simply a standard practice in certain areas where plumbing isn’t built for heavy usage. For Europeans, the idea of restricting toilet paper usage is a frustrating inconvenience. They’d much prefer a more straightforward solution to plumbing issues rather than an odd “don’t flush” rule.
9. The Excessive Use of Paper Towels

American bathrooms are known for the abundance of paper towels in public restrooms. In Europe, hand dryers are often the go-to solution for drying hands, and the use of paper towels is far less common. The sight of paper towel dispensers in nearly every restroom, often alongside hand dryers, baffles Europeans, who see it as wasteful and environmentally unfriendly. Europeans tend to favor more sustainable options, like air dryers, and are perplexed by the sheer volume of paper towels Americans go through.
The American focus on convenience seems to extend to every aspect of bathroom experience, including drying your hands. For Europeans, using multiple paper towels to dry your hands feels wasteful, especially when they’re used to more sustainable practices. In some countries, bringing your own towel or even using a communal cloth is not uncommon. So when Europeans visit American bathrooms, the overuse of paper towels makes them wonder if there’s a more eco-friendly way to handle hand drying.
10. The Love for Automatic Everything

Americans have taken automation to the next level in their bathrooms, with automatic faucets, soap dispensers, and even toilets. In many European countries, you might find these features, but they’re far less common. For Europeans, the abundance of automatic systems in American bathrooms often feels like overkill. They wonder why there’s a need to automate basic tasks that can be done manually, like flushing a toilet or washing your hands.
Additionally, the technology behind some of these automatic systems can be frustrating to Europeans who are used to more straightforward options. Automatic toilets, for example, sometimes fail to flush correctly or activate at odd times. Europeans, more accustomed to a simpler, hands-on approach, can find the technology clunky and unreliable. The reliance on automation in American bathrooms can leave Europeans yearning for a more traditional experience.
11. The Lack of Privacy in Public Restrooms

While European public bathrooms often prioritize privacy, American bathrooms sometimes feel less private, especially in public spaces. Many American restrooms have large gaps around stall doors, making it easy to see into the stall. Europeans, accustomed to smaller, more secure stalls with little to no gaps, are immediately put off by the lack of privacy. The openness of American bathroom stalls can make Europeans feel exposed and uncomfortable.
In some places, like Japan or certain parts of Europe, privacy is taken to the extreme, with completely enclosed stalls and even floor-to-ceiling doors. But in the U.S., it’s not unusual to have a bathroom stall with a sizable gap between the door and the frame. This often leads to awkward situations where you feel like you’re being watched. Europeans can’t understand why American bathrooms don’t make privacy a bigger priority, especially when it’s considered an essential part of the bathroom experience back home.
12. The Concept of Bathroom “Etiquette”

In America, the bathroom experience is often treated as a non-issue—except when it’s not. Many Europeans are baffled by the unspoken bathroom etiquette that can vary wildly depending on the situation. For example, the concept of “bathroom talk,” whether it’s discussing the cleanliness or venting frustrations about restroom conditions, is something Europeans are unfamiliar with. The idea that bathrooms could be a subject of social discussion feels strange to them.
Additionally, the level of politeness Americans often show when using a public restroom can be puzzling. Europeans, who generally expect a more straightforward, utilitarian approach, find the extra consideration and “bathroom etiquette” in American restrooms unnecessary. The idea that Americans will apologize for taking up a stall for too long or express gratitude for a clean bathroom is something that seems excessive. For Europeans, the focus is on efficiency, not on creating a positive bathroom experience.
13. The Use of “Restrooms” Instead of “Toilets”

The American term “restroom” is a bit of a head-scratcher for Europeans, who are more likely to call it a “toilet” or “WC.” To Europeans, referring to a bathroom as a “restroom” sounds more like a place to relax than a room for personal hygiene. The word “restroom” is especially puzzling since Americans often use it in public places, but it doesn’t seem to align with the actual function of the space. Europeans can’t quite get why Americans use this term instead of just calling it a toilet, which is much more direct.
In many parts of Europe, the use of the word “toilet” is perfectly acceptable and not considered impolite. Meanwhile, the American preference for “restroom” can seem overly formal or even evasive to Europeans. The term “restroom” seems to imply a space that is reserved for more than just a bathroom visit, leaving Europeans confused about the connection. Ultimately, it highlights the American tendency to soften the directness of certain terms, while Europeans prefer more straightforward communication.